Shannon Boalt, Laura Farber, Rick Jackson, Brian James, and Charles Martinson Elected to the 2014-2015 Foundation Board
Nancy Neal Davis, president of the Tournament of Roses® Foundation, announced the election of Shannon Boalt, Laura Farber, Rick Jackson, Brian James, and Charles Martinson to the Foundation’s board of directors. These new members replace outgoing board members Dave Davis, Ciran Hadjian, Mike Hagedorn, Jacqueline Howard and Lance Tibbet, who provided a combined 17 years of outstanding service and leadership to the Foundation board.
Shannon Boalt has lived in Pasadena since moving from Connecticut in 1976.
Laura V. Farber, a Tournament volunteer since 1993, is also a member of the Tournament of Roses Association’s Executive Committee. She will serve as the Tournament’s President in 2020 providing leadership for the 131st Rose Parade and 106th Rose Bowl Game on January 1, 2020.
Rick Jackson has been a Tournament volunteer since 1975 and was elected to the Executive Committee in 2004. Jackson served as the Tournament’s President in 2012 presiding over the 123rd Rose Parade and 98th Rose Bowl Game. In addition to Jackson’s service with the
Tournament of Roses, he is involved with numerous community organizations such as the
Pasadena Optimist Club, the Swedish Club of Los Angeles, the Pasadena Jaycees and Treasure Little Children Foundation.
Brian K. James, a native of Altadena, has been a Tournament volunteer since 1993. Currently, he is a member of the Media Relations/Hall of Fame Committee. He has served as an At-Large member of the Tournament’s Executive Committee and Vice Chair of the Equestrian and Formation Area Committees. Charles Martinson has been a volunteer member of the Tournament since 2004. He is currently serving on the Coronation, Kickoff and Tailgate Committee. Born and raised in San Marino, Martinson received a bachelor of business administration from the University of
Southern California, and is currently pursuing an MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles. In addition, the following Tournament of Roses Foundation board members were elected to serve as officers on the board: Katherine Martinez Kleine, vice president; Maxine Harris, treasurer; and Norma Garcia Kachigian, secretary. Members continuing to serve on the Foundation Board are Gerald Freeny, Karen Palmersheim, Jerri Price-Gaines, and Mike Ward.
. Organizations or individuals interested in making a contribution or inquiring about the grants process may contact the Foundation at (626) 449-4100 or visit our website at