Free Teacher Resources for Back-to-School Days
As teachers, parents and students prepare for the start of the new academic year, the nonprofit Stuttering Foundation, the leading charitable organization dedicated to supporting the stuttering community, offers an array of free tools for teachers with students who stutter in their classroom.
“One in every one hundred people stutters,” said Jane Fraser, president of the Foundation. “But as many as two or three younger children in each classroom may struggle with this complex disorder.
“We know that teachers have a wonderfully positive influence on our children and their classmates, and we are thankful for the opportunity to provide the tools that prepare them with best practices and tips for working with and advocating for the child who stutters.”
Tools for teachers available from the Stuttering Foundation include:
o 8 Tips for Teachers – answers to urgent questions teachers may have
o Famous People Who Stutter – mini-poster to print out
o Dear Teacher – a personal letter
All of these resources can be found at
The Stuttering Foundation – known internationally for the quality of its resource materials available to the public – offers DVDs, books, brochures, newsletters and referrals through its website as well as its toll-free helpline: 800-992-9392.