-Courtesy photo
A fundraiser to kick-start the “Help Save Rose Campaign” will be held in Monrovia August 16 to support the life of 3 ½-year-old Rose Hengehold, who is seeking experimental treatment for a rare form of brain cancer which has left her blind.
“There is hope for Rose through treatment in Houston, Texas,” says Knights of Columbus President Duane Hamilton. “The Knights want to succeed in getting Rose the treatment that she desperately needs but it’s not inexpensive: $160,000 will get her that treatment.”
In Houston, Texas, there is a hospital that offers an experimental procedure which may help restore the 3 1/2 year-old’s eyesight.
The tumor in her brain has moved against the optic nerve. “Thank you for giving my baby a chance! She has been through a lot but her spirit is strong and your support keeps us going,” say Rose’s mother Alicia.
Rose is a precocious toddler with ringlets of red hair who will ask your name to identify your voice as she adjusts to her blindness. Tickets can be purchased for the kick-start fundraiser which will be a family event including food, live music and a magic show for $10 for adults and $7 for children 12 and under.
August 16, 6:00 pm at Immaculate Conception Church at 740 S Shamrock Ave, Monrovia.
www.helpsaverose.com /