[dropcap letter=”T”]here are plenty of reasons to be in a state of overwhelming bliss this summer: LAC Dive Club Sessions, the LA Kings’ epic win, and finally (possibly the most exciting of all)— Independence day falling on a Friday this year. Dionysus owed us for the Monday #fail that was St. Patrick’s Day, and we couldn’t be more primed to party within the generous boundaries of the americana color scheme.
So let the nationalistic overkill and overzealous declarations of patriotism commence. The Brits may find our holiday overbearing, but they’re debatably irrelevant these days. On this side of the pond, we are nothing if not enthusiastic when it comes to thematic nostalgia.
We know fireworks are hard to come by without the right connections, but luckily our city has no shortage of public spectating options. And if you don’t get an tremendous feeling of patriotic vigor when you see the glitter of the fireworks reflected on the face of a child—you are presumably dead inside.
That said, let’s talk 4th of July looks, shall we? It’s America’s birthday, and this country was founded on the premise of freedom and an unwavering devotion to costume. So, in honor of the 17 days it took Thomas Jefferson to draft the Declaration of Independence— we brought together 17 red, white, and blue threads for an all-out auspicious ensemble.