Happening in Alhambra
June 27 – Chamber of Commerce’s installation dinner says farewell to outgoing president and welcomes new one at Almansor Court (700 S. Almansor St.) at 6 p.m. $65 per person. See AlhambraChamber.org
June 28 – Learn to make baskets from grasses native to Southern California. Free at Civic Center Library Reese Hall (101 S. First St.) but need to reserve space by calling (626) 570-3212 ext 1.
Happening in Arcadia
June 28 – Cal Phil opens its season at the Santa Anita Track at 7:30 p.m. with “John Williams and Friends.” Purchase tickets at CalPhil.com or call (626) 300-8200.
June 28 – Ribbon cutting ceremony for the Museum Education Center (382 West Huntington Drive) at 2 p.m. RSVP requested to (626) 574-5403. Dessert reception following the ceremony.
Happening in Azusa
June 27 – Movie and swimming at 501 E. Fifth St. at 8 p.m. Lion King (rated G). $3/person.
July 1 – Free “Movie under the stars” at 320 N. Orange Place at 8 p.m. Bring towel or chairs. Snacks available for purchase.
Happening in Baldwin Park
Now – Registration is open for swim lessons at the Baldwin Park Aquatic Center (4100 Baldwin Park Blvd) and at Sierra Vista High School (3600 Frazier St). Lessons are available at various skill levels. Registration is taken at the Esther Snyder Community Center. Must bring ID or utility bill to show you live in Baldwin Park. See BaldwinPark.com.
June 28 – Ballet Folklorico Internacional’s annual recital show at 4640 Maine Ave. Open to all ages. $15 pre-purchase/ $20 at door. Call (626) 722-3385 for time and tickets.
Happening in Burbank
June 27 – Susie Hansen Latin Trio will perform at El Criollo Cuban Bar & Grill (916 W. Burbank Blvd) from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. No cover. Full restaurant and bar.
June 29 – Native American Celebration and woodcarvers workshop at the Stough Canyon Nature Center (2300 Walnut Ave) from noon to 3 p.m. Gabrielino-Tongva Nation dancers, crafts, food, and more. Call (818) 238-5440 for information.
Happening in Duarte
June 27 – Summertime concert featuring artists from the LA Opera at City of Hope’s Cooper Auditorium (1500 E. Duarte Road) at noon. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to eventsdept@coh.org or call (800) 333-6002.
June 28 – Coffee and conversation with the Mayor at the Community Room of the Duarte Library (1301 Buena Vista St.) at 10 a.m. Coffee and cookies provided.
Happening in El Monte
June 27 – Dive-in movie at the El Monte Aquatic Center (11001 Mildred St.) from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. $4 at the door. “Frozen” is the movie scheduled. For information call (626) 580-2213.
June 28 – Family bilingual storytime in English and Spanish at 11 a.m. at Norwood Library. Free.
June 28 – Adventure shuttle to the Santa Fe Dam departs Trolley Station (3650 Center Ave.) at 10 a.m. and returns at 4:30 p.m. $6/person. Tickets available at Station.
Happening in Glendale
June 28 – LA Adventist Forum at the Glendale City Church (610 E. California Ave) at 3 p.m. Speaker is the Honorable Terry A. Bork, Judge of the Superior Court of CA. Topic: “Seeking Justice in America: A Trial Judge’s View.” All are welcome.
June 29 – Family support group meets at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) (2021 W. Glen Oaks) from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. This group offers help to family members and friends dealing with others affected by mental illness. Call Jean Lusby at (818) 421-0528 with questions.
Happening in La Canada
June 29 and 30 – “Thumbelina” presented at the Glendale Community College at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets at the door are $25 and $30.
July 3 – Mitchell Long & Café Atlantico (jazz with a tropical flavor) will perform at Descanso Gardens (1418 Descanso Drive) at 6 p.m. Tickets are $9 general. Call (818) 949-4200.
Happening in Los Angeles
Now – Shakespeare’s “All’s Well That Ends Well” is now performing at the Theatricum Botanicum and will continue on selected dates through Sept. 27. See Theatricum.com or call (310) 455-3723 for information and tickets.
June 27 – Roaring Nights at the LA Zoo start with electro pop sound indie band STRANGEHEART from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. The night features also food trucks, bars, and pop-up zookeeper talks. Tickets are $18 available at Lazoo.org/roaringnights/ or (323) 644-6042.
June 27 to July 3 – Free concerts at MacArthur Park (West 6th St. and S. Park View St.). June 27 is Tamlins & Arise Roots (reggae) at 8 p.m.; June 28 Playing for Change (world music) at 8 p.m.; June 29 Moona Luna (for children) at 6:30 p.m.; and July 3 Peaking Lights and Pharoahs (reggae) at 8 p.m.
June 28 – “Twentywonder – A Carnival of the Mind” benefitting the Down Syndrome Association of LA will be held at the Doll Factory (1910 West Temple St) at 6 p.m. This event will include multiple musical performances and is for guests 21 and over. Tickets available at TwentyWonder.org
June 29 – Cal Phil opens its season at the Walt Disney Hall at 2 p.m. with “John Williams and Friends.” Purchase tickets on Ticketmaster.com or call (800) 745-3000.
July 1 – Wine and Jazz at Hollywood and Highland starts with Pete Escovedo Latin Jazz Orchestra at 7 p.m. Free. $2 parking. See HollywoodandHighland.com
Happening in Monrovia
June 28 – San Gabriel Valley Choral Company presents the concert “So British” at the St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (122 S. California Ave.) at 6:30 p.m. Tickets range $5 to $15. More information at ChoralCompany.org or call (626) 579-2433.
June 28 – Summertime movie series presents “Frozen” at the Second Baptist Church at dusk time (around 8 p.m. Bring a chair. There’ll be Spanish subtitles. Free.
June 29 – Monrovia Association of Fine Arts presents its Summer Art Walk from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Myrtle Ave in Old Town.
Happening in Pasadena
June 27 to July 3 – Free concerts at the Levitt Pavilion at Memorial Park (85 E. Holly St.). June 27 is Playing for Change (world music) at 8 p.m.; June 28 Pistolera (Latin alternative) at 8 p.m.; June 29 Kenny Burell Big Band (jazz) at 7 p.m.; and July 3 The Duhks (fusion folk) at 8 p.m.
June 28 – “When the San Gabriel Valley was California’s Wine Country” discussion at the Allendale Branch Library (1130 S. Marengo Ave.) at 2 p.m. Free.
June 30 – “Jazz in the Rainforest” documentary screening at the Pasadena Public Library (285 East Walnut St) from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Free.
Happening in San Gabriel
June 28 – San Gabriel Valley Music Theatre’s Musical BBQ and Fireworks show at 125 Country Club Drive at 7 p.m. Features dinner, recital and fireworks. Tickets $50. Call (626) 272-2460 to purchase or information. Also email sgvmtboxoffice@earthlink.net
June 28 – “The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood” at the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tickets range $26 to $40. See Vonderhaarcenter.com.
Happening in Sierra Madre
Now – Registration is open for the Annual Firecracker Fun Run that will begin at 8 a.m. on July 4th at Kersting Court. Online at CityofSierraMadre.com/onlineregistration keyword: fun run or in person at the Recreation Center (611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.
June 28 and 29 – “Thanks for the Memories” at the Sierra Madre Playhouse (87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd) at 7:30 p.m. This is a musical tribute to Bob Hope featuring patriotic favorites. Tickets range $15 to $35. See SierraMadrePlayhouse.org or call (626) 355-4318.
June 29 – Cash Up Front (Johnny Cash Tribute band) will perform at Memorial Park Bandshell at 6 p.m. Free. Bring blankets or chairs. Call (626) 355-5278 for information.
July 3 – Pre-parade party and picnic at Memorial Park (222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd) from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Groovy Lemon Pie band will perform. Food and drink for purchase. For more information see SierraMadre4thofJuly.com
Happening in Temple City
July 2 – Celebrate Independence day with a throwback World War II USO Show at 6 p.m. at Temple City Park (9701 Las Tunas Dr.) Free hot dogs and chips for early arrivals.