
San Gabriel Mountains Forever (SGMF) applauds Rep. Judy Chu’s plan

A broad partnership of residents, cities, local businesses, health and environmental justice organizations, community leaders and conservation groups commends Rep. Judy Chu (D-Pasadena) for introducing legislation that will permanently protect the San Gabriel Mountains, rivers and parks for millions of Southern California residents and visitors.
The bill will preserve the Angeles National Forest which provides 70 percent of Los Angeles County’s open space and one-third of its drinking water.
“Water is the lifeblood of our economy and contributes to the vitality of Southern California especially in areas like the San Gabriel Valley that depend on renewable supplies from watershed areas in the San Gabriel Mountains,” said Michael Whitehead, Chief Executive Officer of the San Gabriel Valley Water Company. “Congresswoman Chu has worked diligently with local water providers to ensure that access to our watershed and water supply is protected. A clean and reliable water supply is crucial to the quality of life residents of the San Gabriel Valley currently enjoy.”
Rep. Chu’s bill follows a decade of efforts by other Congressional leaders including former Rep. Hilda Solis, whose 2003 bill led to a federal study of the San Gabriel Mountains and rivers, and former Rep. David Dreier’s 2011 wilderness bill.
Permanently protecting the forest, rivers and parks will preserve their gifts of water, scenic wild lands and healthy recreation for future generations.
San Gabriel Mountains Forever

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