Cheers on Graduating! – Courtesy Photo
A few numbers for the Class of 2014:
Graduates: 901
Graduation rate: Likely 99%, could be 99.8% when final calculation is made.
Average GPA: 3.34
Average SAT score: 1846
Average ACT: 29
Plan to attend college: More than 94%, as of now.
National Merit Scholarship Finalist: 22, some states might get one or two.
There are also 5 students who will be attending Harvard in the fall, 1 going to MIT, 4 going to Stanford, 3 accepted to Princeton, 1 accepted to Yale, 47 accepted to USC, 56 accepted to UCLA, 4 accepted to Brown, 10 accepted to Carnegie Mellon. *Accepted does not mean necessarily attending.
The total student population for Arcadia High School is roughly 3,500.
AHS was also awarded a gold medal ranking for the third straight year by U.S. News and World Report on its annual Best High Schools in America list.