During the month of April, Los Angeles County D.I.S.A.R.M. officers conducted 1,011 searches and confiscated 28 weapons including 13 handguns, 1 assault rifle, 5 shotguns, and over $36 million in illegal drugs and drug money.
In conjunction with local law enforcement, probation officers conducted searches of probationers who, as a condition of probation, are subject to unannounced searches targeting guns, drugs and other contraband. Nearly 10 percent of probationers searched in this program were out of compliance with the terms of their probation. Since its implementation in February of 2000, the D.I.S.A.R.M. program has seized over 9,403 weapons and more than $487 million in illegal drugs and drug money and made nearly 20,000 arrests.
D.I.S.A.R.M was initiated by Supervisor Antonovich following the tragic August 1999 shootings at the North Valley Jewish Community Center and the murder of a postal worker by Buford Furrow, an armed felon on probation from Washington State.