The Pasadena Antique Show and Sale features, rare treasures, antiques, fine art, decorative art and vintage collectibles, June 6, 7, 8, 2014 at the Pasadena Center.
Quality antique dealers fill the Pasadena Center’s Exhibit Hall B with every type of antique imaginable, all on display and all for sale. Select from a wide range of top quality antiques, fine art, furniture, heirloom jewelry, vintage time pieces, porcelains, bronzes, silver, art glass, crystal, folk art, quilts, rugs, linens and many other unique antique treasures. The seasoned enthusiast, beginning collector or just someone browsing should not miss this extraordinary opportunity to experience so many fine collections all in one location. Now in its 39th year, this is Pasadena’s largest and finest event of its kind.
The Pasadena Antique Show is open Friday & Saturday 11:00am to 7:00pm and Sunday 11:00am to 5:00pm.
General admission: $8.00, Seniors: $5 and Children under 12 are admitted free. The Pasadena
Center is at 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA, just one block east of Old Town and directly across from The Paseo Colorado Mall. Ample parking is available. For information phone show promoter, 209-358-3134, the Pasadena Center, 626-793-2122, or visit
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Premier Antique Show Returns To The Pasadena Center, June 6-8
Premier Antique Show Returns To The Pasadena Center, June 6-8
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