
7th Annual Armenian Cultural Festival July 20

The 7th Annual Armenian Identity Festival, organized by the Armenian Community Coalition of Pasadena, will take place on Sunday, July 20, 2014
at Victory Park from noon to 7:00pm. Co-sponsored by the City of Pasadena.

The day long cultural activities include Armenian folk dances in traditional dresses, music and of course Mediterranean food, with Armenian flavors. Other activities include classic car show, petting zoo and slides for the children.

In the past, this event has been attended by Congresswomen Judy Chu, Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard, Pasadena Chief of Polis Phillip L. Sanchez and members of the Pasadena Fire Department with their trucks.

The Festival is open to the general public and there will be plenty of chairs for them to sit back and enjoy the food, while listening to Armenian songs by well known performing artists.

There will also be speakers representing the different organizations that comprise the Armenian Community of Pasadena. The emphasis this year will be Armenian folk Dances, music and Art and the public will be invited to join their ranks in a round of group dances, pertaining to different regions of our Homeland, Armenia.

Come one and come all to enjoy a day of entertainment under the shades of the Victory Park trees. For more info. Contact 626-399-1799paccoalition@gmail.com www.acc-us.org.

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