On May 15, Kari Janzen and Susan Gallagher, hostesses for the evening, welcomed guests to the Monrovian Restaurant for the installation of officers to the 2014-15 board of the Sierra Madre Civic Club. Following a delicious buffet dinner, installing officer Susan Clifton observed that incoming president Jean Coleman had been a Girl Scout leader and was now beginning her second term as President of Civic Club. Susan noted the similarities between the goals of the scouts and those of Civic Club and swore in the new officers using a modified version of the Girl Scout pledge. The officers of the 2014-15 Civic Club board are Jean Coleman, President, Karma Bell, Dean of Chairs, Sue Quinn, Ways and Means, Darlene Traxler and Geri Wright, Membership, Prudence Levine, Recording Secretary, Alice Clark and Nan Carlton, Corresponding Secretaries, Janet Emery, Treasurer, and Jane Zamanzadeh, Parliamentarian.
President Coleman reviewed the past year noting all the community activities that Civic Club members support financially and with volunteer hours: Fourth of July Games in the Park, Concert in the Park, Halloween Window Painting, Wistaria Festival, Huck Finn Day, and Mount Wilson Trail Race. In addition, Club was able to give a total of $4,500 in scholarship money to six local seniors and $11,500 to community organizations that had requested the money for special projects. President Coleman ended the evening by sharing her vision for the 2014-15 Club year.
The Sierra Madre Civic Club is a civic and philanthropic organization that meets the second Thursday of every month at 7:30PM in Hart Park House.