The Monrovia Historic Preservation Group (MOHPG) proudly presents the 32nd Annual Mother’s Day Home Tour on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 11, 2014. The City of Monrovia was founded in 1886 and is nestled against the San Gabriel Mountains, east of Pasadena and north of Arcadia. There will be five vintage homes and the Aztec Hotel on this year’s tour. The homes were built between 1888 and 1914, and two have been designated by the city as historic landmarks. The Aztec Hotel, built in 1925, is also landmarked by the city and is on the National Register of Historic Places. The Monrovia Historical Museum at 742 E. Lemon Avenue will also be open on tour day, and tickets will be sold and Will Call orders can be picked up at this location. Three city trolley buses will be in operation to transport visitors to the houses if they choose, at no additional cost.
To purchase tickets in advance, go to the Online Store on the MOHPG website ( to use PayPal or a credit card. To order by check, you can download an order form on the website (to receive your tickets by mail, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the check made out to MOHPG, and mail to: MOHPG, P.O. Box 734, Monrovia, CA 91017). Pictures of the tour homes can be viewed on the home page of the website. Tickets may also be bought at the Old Town Friday Festival on South Myrtle Avenue in Monrovia on Friday nights from April 4 – May 9, 2014, 5-9 p.m. (The MOHPG booth is located near the corner of Myrtle Ave and Colorado Blvd.) To buy tickets in person, go to one of the following locations: the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce, 620 S. Myrtle Avenue, and Dollmakers, 412 S. Myrtle Avenue (both in Monrovia), and Curves, 1159 E. Huntington Dr. (in Duarte).
Advance ticket prices are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors (65+), $10 for teens, with those12 years and under admitted for free. Day-of-Tour Tickets are $25 for adults, $20 for seniors (65+), $15 for teens, and 12 years and under are admitted for free.