Arcadia PD announces DUI/Driver’s License checkpoint results
The Arcadia Police Department held a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint at the intersection of Baldwin Avenue & Gate 8 on Saturday, February 22, 2014, from 9 PM to 3 AM. A summary of our enforcement efforts is listed below:
1997-Vehicles Passed Through the Checkpoint
1249-Vehicles Were Screened/Contacted
55-Vehicles Were Sent to the Secondary Inspection Area
15-Field Sobriety Tests Were Administered
5-DUI Alcohol Arrests
2-Traffic Warrant Arrests
1-Public Intoxication Arrest
16-Unlicensed Driver Citations
7-Suspended License Arrests/Citations
6-30 Day Vehicle Impounds
6-1 Day Vehicle Storages
We would like to remind the public of the dangers associated with drinking and driving. It simply is not worth it to drive while impaired. Remember, “Friends don’t let friend’s drive while impaired.”
Don’t forget to visit the Arcadia Police Department News & Information Blog or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Nixle for other pertinent news and information. Remember, the solution begins with you!
Funding for this operation is provided from a grant administered by the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.