The Advocate, a leading Gay publication has credited the Crown City with yet another honor…the second best gay city in America. This is what they have to say in the current issue:
“This beautiful but sleepy adjunct to Los Angeles, a kind of bedroom community for gays who like to garden, gets its high ranking primarily from having two gay elected city officials for its relatively small population, and a fractional boost from California’s many statewide elected LGBTs. Nevertheless, Pasadena’s got lots to offer: two gay bars, the Boulevard (3199 E. Foothill Blvd., 626-356-9304), with karaoke and pool, and Club Caution, right around the corner in Highland Park; a number of LGBT-welcoming churches; the thriving Pasadena Lesbian Book Club (; and arguably the best flea market in the world — antiques! vintage! — monthly at the Rose Bowl.”
Who is number on on the list, enquiring minds want to know….Washinton, D.C..Who would have known?
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly Oh what a gay city Pasadena is
Oh what a gay city Pasadena is
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