Neil the Pig stays in Sierra Madre
By Terry Miller
Some likened it to Charlotte’s Web but a Sierra Madre porcine’s predicament went far and away beyond anything E.B.White could have written or imagined.
The whole episode actually started out as a simple request from resident Dr. Katherine Emerson about a rather noisy rooster in a neighbor’s yard that had been disturbing the peace for some time and waking people up at all hours apparently.
According to Emerson, she had contacted the city several times and got no results two months ago when she complained about the rooster’s existence…which was in violation of city ordinance.
Emerson, who ‘phoned the city on Tuesday last week was told by city Manager Elaine Aguilar that the situation was ‘being handled.’
Within 2 hours of that phone conversation, the Pasadena Humane Society was as Emerson’s door complete with a citation to have her pet pot-belly pig Neil, removed from the city of Sierra Madre limits due to a “code violation.” Emerson told Beacon Media, ” that would have killed Neil…a modern day Charlotte’s Web indeed…”
Emerson said this wasn’t a mere coincidence. “The city had never before contacted me about Neil…or any code violation,” she said. Emerson also stated she feels city manager Elaine Aguilar is “not doing her job…” and believes the decision to target Neil was politically motivated due to upcoming elections. “Even the Mayor ( Nancy Walsh) was not on Neil’s side,” Emerson said.
Ludicrous yes, but nonetheless the letter of the law…well, almost.
News spread fast…very fast indeed thanks to a handful of Neil’s real friends and his “Facebook friends” who immediately launched a campaign that attracted the attention not only of local media but national news organizations and Facebook friends worldwide.
This wasn’t just any old swine story… this was about justice for a long-time resident of the tiny foothill city.
After considerable review of the code and fearing a public relations nightmare just in time for Halloween, Sierra Madre officials granted Neil a reprieve and allowed his to remain within city limits as he’s a pot-belly pig and not a “hog” as the ordinance dictates.
Sierra Madre Chief of Police, Larry Giannone gave Emerson the good news personally last Wednesday and also attended a special celebration in Memorial Park last Thursday with 30 others who had supported Neil’s cause.
The Sierra Madre Weekly ran this on our website when we first got wind of the story”
Neil is being evicted from Sierra Madre for being overweight – Now, honestly … what code enforcement officer would issue such a hogwash citation for eviction to Neil’s “parents”? We find it absurd, to say the least that a city like Sierra Madre would attempt to enforce such a stupid ordinance. What if that were the case for homosapians? Half the town would have to be evicted. This has to be the silliest thing Sierra Madre has tried to do since raising the water rates….they must know there will be a HUGE public outcry!
Over 160lbs, so what? Neil is a loving kind pig! Kids have grown up with him on Montecito street. Surely our lawmakers can find better things to do with their time!
Neil has been living in a front yard behind a white picket fence greeting kids for 17 years. He was adopted by Diane Emerson in 1996 from Pet’s Delight pet store in Monrovia. Her daughter Dr. Katherine Emerson inherited Neil after Diane passed away about six years ago.
Neil was apparently in violation of municipal code 08.030, entitled simply “Hogs”. The code prohibits hogs from residing within the city limits. However Neil is actually a pot belly pig, not listed in the code, anywhere. Dr. Emerson said she was warned if Neil is not removed from the city limits they will proceed with legal action to have him destroyed.
A social media campaign which began Tuesday to save Neil on both Facebook and Twitter traveled like an epidemic. Neil’s supporters garnered a huge following which led to the delightfully happy ending and Sierra Madre Police Chief Larry Giannone said that they will NOT pursue any action against Neil. He is free to stay in his home with the Chief’s full support.
Emerson said she was glad it’s all over for now but hasn’t ruled out a career in politics for Neil. Emerson added that whatever Neil and she could do to support the local police and fire departments in Sierra Madre, they will.