Not much is known about the mysterious criminal, Sawyer – Los Angeles Film School’s grad student, Ryan Michael’s, leading protagonist in his upcoming short film, The Burden of the Shepard. Sawyer’s struggle with maintaining a rugged outlaw life tries reconnecting with his conscience while struggling to subtract himself from his disturbing past of evil associates.
As one of the leading gateways into just about every facet of the entertainment industry, Los Angeles Film School continues to push boundaries and be kickass at everything they get their hands on. Whether it’s giving upcoming filmmakers their debut, giving animators the opportunity to communicate their passions, or giving engineers the push to becoming unique innovators, LAFS knows how to communicate with their students and their passion, ultimately recognizing every aspect of their talent.
Now back to the film. Witness a LAFS student at work. Michael’s film, The Burden of the Shepard premiers Friday night, 7pm at 6363 Sunset Blvd.
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