By Dorothy Denne
Well folks, I am living proof that one is never too old to experience a first in life. Last week I had to call a Medicare 800 number to get clarification on an item. I’ve done that a couple of times previously with good success.
So, I punched in the number. It rang through. Then instead of a , “Welcome to Medicare” I heard a very mellow female voice, “Hi. Welcome to the ____ Hotline. Guys, the girls are waiting for you. Just press 2 and be ready for…” I shrieked, “Oh Sheesh” and slammed the receiver down. Apparently I had dialed 900 instead of 800 — I got a sex hotline!
When I got over the shock and returned to my senses, I redialed the Medicare number and heard, “Welcome to Medicare.” I went through the automated stuff and got through to an agent. A very pleasant, rather young sounding male set to work looking up my information while we chatted briefly. He answered my question in short order and all was well.
I couldn’t resist. I quickly told him what had happened when I first called. He said, “Oh my.” Then he chuckled and chortled, “That must have been quite an experience.” He said that he should report it because, “that is what ‘they’ do sometimes, hook into legitimate numbers.
I agreed he should probably report it but for a different reason. I said, “Some 98 year old codger may call Medicare, get that sex message and have a heart attack. That could cost Medicare a fortune.”
He didn’t chuckle or chortle, he laughed out loud. He said, “Mrs. Denne, I have to tell you, you have made my day. Is there anything else you need?”
“No, that’s enough. Thank you.”