They are eighth-graders now, but they have already been to college! The thirteen local middle-school girls that attended Tech Trek Science/Math Camp on the Whittier College campus this summer will bring highlights of their camp experiences to the Monday, September 9 meeting of their sponsors, the Arcadia Branch of the American association of University Women (AAUW). As with past Tech Trek campers, these girls are sure to give an enthusiastic report on their exciting week of Tech Trek classes, hands-on experiments (building robots can be fun!), and their eye-opening field trips (forensic labs are awesome!).Hearing from the girls is pleasure enough, but as an added bonus the Tech Trek Committee hopes to have a speaker from Women in Science Outreach tell about career opportunities for women in the fields of science and technology. The Arcadia AAUW meeting will take place in the Church of the Good Shepherd’s Jordan Hall, 400 West Duarte Road, Arcadia ( SW corner of Duarte Road and Holly Avenue). The meeting is open to the public at no charge, and ample parking is available in the church parking lot. Members and guests are invited to come for socializing and refreshments at 6:30 p.m. and to meet the Tech Trek girls and their families. The program will follow at 7:00 p.m.Ongoing interest groups this year are the bridge and book review groups. Future Arcadia Branch meetings include dynamic speakers, such as a speaker in November on climate change. A luncheon with book talk is on the schedule as well. The English Conversation Class will resume on August 26 under the sponsorship of the Arcadia Library. For more information about the class, please call the library’s reference desk at (626) 821-5569.Membership in the American Association of University Women is open to women and men holding a university or college degree, as well as to those with an Associate of Arts degree or its equivalent. For more information, please call Tamara Kato at (626) 375-6756 or Patricia Dietrich at (626) 446-8437.