Thirty years in the making, ‘Mary of the Avenue” is a light-hearted, yet poignant original musical set during the dead of winter on the streets of New York City. It follows Carrie, an eager and engaging young woman as she sets out from her Midwestern town to find her mother who years before, left without notice. With some help from the local press, she connects with Mary who is now homeless. Determined to bring her mom back home, Carrie begins to explore life on the streets, as Mary introduces her to a cast of colorful characters. As her rocky relationship with Mary grows, Carrie soon realizes that lunch from a dumpster may be the best thing that ever happened to her.“Mary” recently premiered at the famed Stella Adler Theatre to sold-out audiences. This is your chance to see it with its original cast in the San Gabriel Valley!Tickets can be ordered ONLINE with a credit card at: or by phone at (800) 838-3006. A small convenience fee of $1.87 per ticket will apply. You may print out your won tickets or have them mailed to you at no extra charge. Please visit our website: for more information about “Mary”, how it came to be, and the authors.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly New musical to benefit Shakespear’s Villa
New musical to benefit Shakespear’s Villa
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