The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced its draft Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for Hexavalent Chromium (chromium-6), which is at 0.010-milligram per liter or 10 parts per billion (ppb) – one ppb is equivalent to one drop of water in an Olympic-size swimming pool. The MCL takes into account health risks from exposure to chromium-6 with consideration for the best available technologies to detect chromium-6 and the costs required to reduce its presence in drinking water below the MCL. The MCL is a health protective drinking standard that must be met by all water agencies.
Over the past decade, Glendale Water & Power (GWP) completed an extensive research, over a ten-year period, for the Hexavalent Chromium Removal and submitted the Project Report to CDPH. The report provided CDPH information needed for best available technologies and costs associated for the effective removal of chromium-6 from drinking water. “Glendale is proud to be a leader in this area that has assisted the CDPH and others,” said Mayor Dave Weaver. “Because of our leadership, I am especially proud to know that our water is the best in the west.” The report in its entirety is available on GWP’s Website.
The results from the research places GWP in a very advantageous position to address chromium-6 concerns that has entered our water supplies. GWP is currently applying two of the best technologies and is treating water to chromium-6 levels below the draft MCL. Ongoing work by GWP is currently evaluating whether the costs of treatment can be further reduced by optimizing one of the technologies.
CDPH will begin the 45-day public comment period tomorrow, 8/23/13. Additionally, two public hearings, one in Northern and one in Southern California, will be held. CDPH staff explained on a conference call today that 12 months is the maximum allowable time for CDPH to finalize the MCL; however, recognizing the significance of this action, CDPH stated that process is not expected to take the full 12 months.
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