Judy Chu, Congresswoman of the 27thDistrict, is the guest speaker at 8am Thursday, September 5, at the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Forum, 388 W. Huntington Drive. Congresswoman Chu will be speaking on the proposed San Gabriel Unit National Recreation Area and to answer any questions the community may have.
A discussion of pending legislation and other updates will be provided by representatives from City, County, and State government offices, the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension and the Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Town Council.
Scheduled speaker for the October 3rdGovernment Affairs Forum is Chelsea Minor from KP Public Affairs representing initiatives recommended for California’s recovery by the California Business Roundtable.
The public is invited on the first Thursday of each month to hear informative presentations at the monthly Government Affairs Forums led by Chairman Jack Orswell and co-chairs Pete Ulrich, former Arcadia City Councilman, and Mary Dougherty, former President of the Arcadia School District Board of Education. RSVPs to the Chamber of Commerce office are appreciated – (626) 447-2159 or info@ArcadiaCaChamber.org.