Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, who initiated the County’s Restaurant and Nursing Homes Grading systems, presented a motion to the Board of Supervisors calling for a report on developing a countywide quality rating program for child care providers.
“Parents unknowingly utilize licensed child care homes or day care centers that do not provide quality care,” said Antonovich. “It is vital that parents have the information necessary to make informed decisions on the facilities and providers charged with caring for their children.”
As evidenced by the County’s restaurant and nursing home grading system initiated by Antonovich, widespread rating programs establish consistent standards and make ratings and inspection reports readily available to the public. In addition, these programs incentivize facilities to establish higher standards and better management practices to ensure ongoing compliance.
The feasibility report, which will be developed by the County Office of Child Care, is due before the Board within 45 days.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly Supervisor CALLS FOR CHILD CARE RATING SYSTEM
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