Register now for Arcadia’s new emergency notification system
Arcadia’s new emergency notification system, Alert Arcadia, enables you to receive informational messages from the City in the event of an emergency. Messages may be received by voicemail, e-mail and/or by text. The information sent through Alert Arcadia is intended to help keep you informed should the City or region experience a significant event such as a fire, earthquake, windstorm, a public health emergency, or other similar situation. Messages may cover such subjects as safety alerts and directions on what to do; the location of shelter, warming and power centers; evacuation orders; debris removal information; and updates on the City’s response to the emergency.
To register for Alert Arcadia, visit the City website at There is a link on the home page that will take you to an area that details the registration process. Once on the registration page you will be able to sign up and customize your message settings to select the type of information you want to receive, and the method by which you want to receive the messages. Multiple landline, cell phone and e-mail addresses may be put into the system. Family members not living in Arcadia are able to register as well, either as part of your account or on their own.
Alert Arcadia is a free service provided by the City to help make sure you have the information you need when you need it. Registering for the system should be part of your personal emergency preparedness plan.