President Obama’s push for gun safety draws major applause
Obama calling on Congress to pass
Today, President Obama announced his plan to protect America’s children and communities by reducing gun violence. Following the plan’s unveiling, Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), a member of the House Judiciary Committee with jurisdiction over our nation’s gun laws, released the following statement:
“This proposal is exactly what we need to reclaim our safety from those who commit acts of violence. President Obama put forth a compelling vision for our nation’s safety. His comprehensive plan includes immediate and long-term changes to our nation’s gun laws that balance protecting our Second Amendment rights and protecting our children. Now is the time to get this done – I will do all I can to pass President Obama’s proposal. I urge every other member of Congress to do the same.”
President Obama has proposed a four-step plan to help protect Americans from senseless gun violence:
1. Close background check loopholes to keep guns out of dangerous hands;
2. Ban military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines;
3. Make schools safer;
4. Increase access to mental health services.
In addition to the legislative steps that President Obama is calling on Congress to pass, his plan also includes 23 steps that can be taken unilaterally through executive action.