‘What can a girl do? A world of good’
It’s Girl Scout cookie time again
There was a Girl Scout Cookie Kick-off event at the Holy Angels Church on Saturday, January 12 with Mayors MaryAnnLutz (Monrovia), Bob Harbicht (Arcadia) and Margaret Finlay (Duarte) helping kick off the event. The Mayors’ words of encouragement to over 400 girl scouts supported this year’s cookie theme, “What Can A Girl Do?” – “A World of Good”.The girls were reminded that “by putting their mind and energies to something, a Girl Scout can overcome any challenge. There are no limits. She can be anything. She can do anything.”
The event was put together by Joyce Santillan, Monrovia/Duarte Service Unit Manager and Judy Lee, Arcadia Service Unit Manager who decided that bringing more girls together would provide an opportunity for girls to “meet new friends and have fun with their sister scouts.”
Girls attended Cookie University where they learned about goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics—aspects essential to leadership, to success, and to life. Girls are building a lifetime of skills and confidence.
So remember, when a girl scout is selling you a box of cookies, you are helping her to reach her goals. Cookie Sales initial orders begin January 13, 2013 and booth sales will begin February 12. For more information about cookies or if you are interested in joining Girl Scouts, please contact the local Arcadia Council at (626) 677-2000 or look at the website girlscoutsla.org.
-Courtesy Photo