Arcadia FD
Sunday, December 2
At 6:20 p.m., Engine 105 and Rescue Ambulance 105 responded to a medical assist in the 400 block of East Huntington Drive. Fire crews evaluated a male patient who experienced a syncopal episode after vomiting. Bystanders confirmed that the patient had consumed large amounts of alcohol prior to vomiting. Paramedics provided advanced life support measures at the scene; including establishing venous access, electrocardiogram monitoring and oxygen therapy. The patient was transported to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for further evaluation and treatment.
Monday, December 3
At 2:24 p.m., Engine 107, Rescue Ambulance 105 responded to a traffic collision at the intersection of North First Avenue and East Floral Avenue. Fire personnel evaluated two patients complaining of mild to moderate injuries. Both patients received advanced life support at the scene; including full spinal immobilization, oxygen therapy, and 12-lead cardiac monitoring. The patients were transported to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for further evaluation and treatment.
Tuesday, December 4
At 3:13 a.m., Engine 105 and Rescue Ambulance 105 responded to a medical assist in the 1200 block of South Ninth Avenue. Fire crews evaluated an elderly female suffering from severe chest pain and shortness of breath. Paramedics administered advanced life support measures on scene; including intravenous access, cardiac medications, 12-lead electrocardiogram, drug therapy for pain and oxygen therapy. The patient was transported to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for further evaluation and treatment.
Wednesday, December 5
At 1:59 p.m., Engine 106 and Rescue Ambulance 106 responded to a medical assist in the 300 block of Campus Drive. Fire personnel evaluated a female patient who was suffering from a local neurological weakness from a possible stroke. The patient received advanced life support at the scene; including oxygen therapy, 12-lead cardiac monitoring, intravenous access, blood glucose monitoring, and drug therapy. The patient was transported to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for further evaluation and treatment.
Thursday, December 6
At 8:47 a.m., Engine 106 and Rescue Ambulance 106 responded to a medical assist in the 400 block of Robbins Drive. Fire crews evaluated a female patient suffering from hip pain after a mechanical fall. The patient received advanced life support at the scene; including oxygen therapy, cardiac monitoring, intravenous access, blood glucose monitoring, and drug therapy for pain management. The patient was transported to Kaiser Baldwin Park Hospital for further treatment and evaluation.
Friday, December 7
At 5:59 p.m., Engine 107 and Rescue Ambulance 105 responded to a medical assist at the intersection of East Foothill Boulevard and North Santa Anita Avenue. Fire personnel evaluated a female patient who was suffering from an altered mental status, post seizure activity. The patient received advanced life support at the scene; including oxygen therapy, 12-lead cardiac monitoring, intravenous access, blood glucose monitoring, and drug therapy. The patient was transported to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for further evaluation and treatment.
Saturday, December 8
At 6:36 p.m., Engine 106 and Rescue Ambulance 106 responded to a medical assist in the 600 block of Fairview Avenue. Fire crews evaluated amale infant who had an altered mental status followingwitnessed seizure activity. The patient received advanced life support measures at scene; including oxygen therapy, cardiac monitoring, intravenous access, blood glucose monitoring, and drug therapy. Paramedics transported the patient to the nearest pediatric medical center for further treatment and evaluation.
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Arcadia Fire Dept. Report
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