Attorney Michael Kraut has sent another complaint to Chief Sanchez of Pasadena Police Department after the initial compalint filed April 5, 2012. “This complaint and supporting documentation is solid proof of the perjury committed by Okamoto during the trial and the false statements made to Judge Terry Schwartz of the Pasadena Superior Court during pretiral proceedings as well as in the trial.” Kraut says in an email to this newspaper.
The formal complaint, dated Sept. 12, makes allegations that Officer Okamoto was involved in perjury and Massiah violations in the matter of People v. Delossantos and Damas matter, Case # GA079201. Attorney Kraut states they have “obtained updated statements” from Alexander Andres, the DJ who was working at Wokcano the night of the incident.
The 57-page document obtained by this newspaper icludes court transcripts and alleges that Okamoto failed to turn over several audio recordings of eyewitness interviews. Kraut maintains this evidence was “ both relevant and exculpatory.” The attorney also states that Okamoto pressred witnesses to change statements, according to the new complaint.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Attorney Files Another Complaint Against Pasadena Officer Okamoto
Attorney Files Another Complaint Against Pasadena Officer Okamoto
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