There are still tickets available for the Chili Cook-Off this Saturday, July 21. The event is being put on by the Monrovia Read Foundation which works for literacy in our community. Tickets for the dinner are $100 per person and include food, bar and entertainment.
All those in attendance will have a chance to taste and judge the competing chilis. There will be great barbeque for diner itself. Those who attended last year’s initial cook-off will be delighted to learn that the ice cream truck will return for decadent desserts.
The venue this year is the Monrovia Tennis Club with the fun starting at 6:00.
Make your reservation now by calling Diane Delmotoff at (626) 303-6600 or by emailing her at
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly Tickets Still Available for Chili Cook-off
Tickets Still Available for Chili Cook-off
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