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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Pasadena Independent / Key Senate Committee Supports Increasing Access to Birth Control

Key Senate Committee Supports Increasing Access to Birth Control

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Lawmakers in Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee voted 6-2 to pass AB 2348 (Mitchell) – the Access to Birth Control Bill this week in Sacramento. The bill is expected move to the Senate Floor in August.

“The members that passed AB 2348 out of committee understand that women need access to safe, effective birth control – when they need it – so they can reduce their risk of unintended pregnancy. This is good for women’s health and good public policy for California,’ said Julie Rabinovitz, President and CEO of California Family Health Council.

“California has always been a national leader in removing barriers to women’s access to health care,” said Sheri Bonner, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley. “But we still have work to do. In many parts of our state, women can’t get timely access to birth control, which is unacceptable. This bill works to address this basic health care need for women.”

Authored by Assemblymember Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles), AB 2348 will help address these issues by allowing Registered Nurses to work within their scope and training to dispense hormonal birth control – some of the safest and widely used medications in the world – under a standardized procedure. Senator Ed Hernandez from the San Gabriel Valley voted in favor of this essential legislation.

Leading medical institutions, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), have developed evidence-based guidelines for use of hormonal contraceptives which are based on patient assessment, medical history, blood pressure, history of smoking and other basic elements that are well within the skills, training and scope of practice of RNs. AB 2348 can help more women get the birth control they want when they need it without compromising quality care.

AB 2348 is sponsored by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and the California Family Health Council. It has the backing of health and women’s organizations throughout California including American Medical Women’s Association; American Nurses Association, California, California Black Women’s Health Project; California Latinas for Reproductive Justice; California Primary Care Association; Physicians for Reproductive Choice & Health; Services Employees International Union; Sistersong; United Nurses Associations of CA/Union of Healthcare Professionals; Women’s Community Clinic; Women’s Health Specialists; ACCESS Women’s Health Justice; ACLU, California; Coalition Advancing Multipurpose Innovations; Forward Together; Ibis Reproductive Health; Law Students for Reproductive Justice; Maternal and Child Health Access; National Center for Youth Law; National Council of Jewish Women; and Nevada County Citizens for Choice.

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