‘Victory for Women and Americans Across the Country’
Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care Act Expanding Health Coverage to Millions
After weeks of anticipation, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down a 5-4 decision today functionally upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the federal healthcare reform legislation designed to increase health insurance coverage, lower healthcare costs, and outlaw insurance discrimination. Chief Justice John Roberts joined the progressive members of the court in the majority.
Specifically, the Court has ruled:
The individual mandate can stand as a tax.
The Medicaid expansion can stand but the federal government cannot withhold Medicaid funds if a state refuses to comply with the expansion..
“Today’s Supreme Court decision is a momentous win for women and Americans across the country. We commend the Supreme Court for their sound decision to uphold the law, thereby ensuring new consumer protections and access to quality healthcare for millions throughout California and the United States,” said Julie Rabinovitz, President and CEO of the California Family Health Council, a group that champions and promotes high quality sexual and reproductive healthcare for all statewide.
With the ACA here to stay, millions of American women will benefit from key provisions in the law, including:
Insurance coverage for 30 million more Americans – 17 million of whom are women – through the Medicaid expansion and increased access to affordable coverage through state based exchanges
Continued access to preventative health screenings without cost sharing for the 45 million women nationwide already taking advantage of this benefit, as well as the millions more who will now have the opportunity
Insurance coverage for the full-range of FDA approved contraceptive methods without co-pays beginning August 1;
Access to OB-GYN’s without a referral
Insurance coverage for maternity care as an essential health benefit
An end to insurance discrimination against women by eliminating “gender rating”
Continued coverage for young adults to stay on their parent’s health insurance plan until age 26
“Here in California, passage of the ACA has already shifted our healthcare delivery system toward a focus on prevention and today’s decision means we can push forward with the key reforms and advancements already set in motion across the state,” said Rabinovitz.
According to estimates from the California Health Benefit Exchange, the ACA is expected to expand coverage to nearly 5 million Californians when fully implemented in 2019. On the ground, 24 counties are already starting to incrementally expand Medicaid patient populations via the “bridge to health care reform” and thousands of Californians are already reaping benefits:
Over 10,000 Californians denied coverage for pre-existing conditions now have coverage.
Over 400,000 low-income Californians now have coverage.
350,000 young adults are now insured through their parent’s coverage.
“While this is a great day, healthcare reform is still a work in progress. Even with the ACA in place, 23 million are still expected to be uninsured by 2019, making existing safety net programs like Title X and Family PACT in California still critical. California has long been a leader in expanding access to affordable healthcare services, including sexual and reproductive healthcare, and together with our partners and diverse provider network, we will work tirelessly to ensure that the promise of healthcare reform is fulfilled,” Rabinovitz added.