Los Angeles DA Serves Search Warrants at Homes and Offices of PCC Administrators
Sandi Gibbons, Director of Communications for Los Angeles DA confirmed with Beacon Media tha iInvestigators with the District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation served search warrants today at three locations — Pasadena City College and the homes of two administrators — Al Hutchings and Richard Van Pelt. The warrants were served as part of an ongoing criminal investigation into allegations of bribery. Because it is an ongoing investigation by the District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division, no further information will be released.
The investigation of Van Pelt and Hutchings is on the alleged solicitation of bribes in 2011 for a competitive contract for the school.
The DA received the complaint in March. No charges have yet been filed against the two men.
The D.A.’s office is also investigating possible conflicts of interest related to the men’s financial interests in other campus contracts.
If internal investigations reveal any misconduct or violation of district policy, Rocha will recommend to the college’s Board of Trustees that they be fired.
The allegations have “angered and saddened all of us, as I know it will for all of you who care about Pasadena City College,” Rocha said at the afternoon news conference.