Immaculate Conception Fiesta Time is Here
By Susan Motander
Memorial Day Weekend means Fiesta Time at Immaculate Conception Church. This is the 41st annual fund raising event for the church. This year the theme is Polynesian Paradise, so break out your Hawaiian shirts and prepare to hula the night away.
As usual there will be all kinds of great food (Our anniversary usually falls on Memorial Day Weekend and each year my husband says “Just think, this is the Carne Asada Anniversary). If Carne Asada is not your favorite, look for the Filipino specialties or the Polish Sausage or the Pizza. There is something for everyone. Yes, there is a beer booth.
Speaking of something for all tastes, there are the usual carnival rides, but also booths for chances to win prizes and cakes. Then there is the rummage sale with furniture, toys, books and other goodies. This is a chance to find a real bargain and help the church. Won’t it be good to see the roof repairs finished and not see those ugly blue tarps marring the look of the church.
The carnval is open on Friday evening, all day and evening on Saturday and after church on Sunday afternoon through the evening hours. Come out for a great time, good food and enjoyable music in the beer garden. There will be entertainment on stage in the garden all weekend. Complete details and information can he found on the fiesta’s facebook page: