A juried art show and sale, Art Matters Encore!, sponsored by the San Marino League will be
held May 6th from 10:30 to 3:00 at The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens
In the Botanical Center. The works of over 100 artists will be featured in this fund-raising affair,
the proceeds of which benefit the endowment fund of The Huntington’s Japanese Garden and
scholarships for fine arts students at the Art Center College of Design. Also featured will be a talk at
11:30 a.m. by Tom Krumpak, painter and professor at Long Beach State University, whose subject “Art
Off the Radar” explores many artists of today who are creating exciting and challenging new work. At
1:00 p.m. a painting demonstration will be given by Jean Osher, a local artist noted for her still life
paintings. The show is free upon entrance fee to The Huntington. For further information contact
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly Juried Art Show and Sale – May 6th
Juried Art Show and Sale – May 6th
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