
General Municipal Elections are Held the Second Tuesday in April of Every Even-Numbered Year

Ballots were mailed on Monday, March 12 to registered voters in Arcadia for the next municipal election. Based on the overwhelming use of absentee ballots over voting at the polls recently, the Arcadia City Council decided to hold its election completely by mail.
This election will include two City Council seats, one ballot measure and the position of City Clerk. However, as only Glen Glasco has filed for City Clerk.
There are five candidates for the two Council seats. Of the two seats, one is an open position as Roger Chandler has been termed out. Gary Kovacic is running for re-election. Also running are Mary Dougherty, Henry Nunez, Sho Tay, and John Wuo. Wuo has served previously on the council. Both Nunez and Tay have run before. Dougherty has previously served on the local Board of Education.
The voter packets include not only the sample ballot information including candidate statements, but also the actual election ballots. Do not throw out your ballot. This is the real ballot which registered voters must return in order to vote.
Ballots must be received by election day, April 10. The ballots can be returned by mail or can be brought directly to the City Clerk’s office at Arcadia’s City Hall. In addition to regular business hours until the day of the election, on April 10 itself, the City Clerk’s office will be open to receive ballots until 8 p.m.
Ballots mailed, but not received by April 10 will not be counted according to Deputy City Clerk, Lisa Mussenden. She suggests bringing the ballots to City Hall rather than relying on the postal service if voters wait to the last minute..
The City Clek’s Office would be happy to assist any Arcadia resident with voter registration questions. Please call us at 574-5455 for information. To register to vote online, please visit the California Secretary of State’s website at http://www.ss.ca.gov/elections/votereg1.html
You must file a new form each time you move or if you have never registered before. Registration must be completed at least 15 days prior to the election in which you intend to vote.

Now…The Candidates Views:

Occupation: Retired Businessman

My wife and I have lived in Arcadia for almost 30 years. We raised both of our children here and it’s where we call home. As any homeowner would strive to improve their home, I feel the same about Arcadia.
I’ve served on several organizations such as the Arcadia Historical Museum Foundation, Arcadia Chinese Association President, Arcadia Masonic Lodge Master, Boy Scouts Lucky Baldwin District Chair, Chamber of Commerce Director, Arcadia Historic Society and Arboretum Director. I now wish to serve the people of Arcadia and improve our city on a larger scale.
As a successful and retired entrepreneur and businessman, I carry the skills and knowledge to serve as an Arcadia City Councilman. My dedication and track record of service to Arcadia earned me the Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the year award for 2011.
I am committed to:
” Improving the quality of life for our residents.
” Improve transportation for our elderly and physically challenged residents.
” Improve traffic around schools.
” Advocate a balanced budget by promoting sensible growth and preserving our longstanding businesses.
I pledge to be your voice and together we’ll carry Arcadia into a brighter future. You can always reach me at 626-447-2935.


I am a life-long resident, a Citizen of the Year, and love Arcadia.

I have served 14 years on the Arcadia City Council, including four terms as Mayor. Prior to serving on the City Council, I served two terms on the Arcadia Planning Commission and chaired the Santa Anita Village Architectural Review Board for seven years. In 2006, I chaired citizen campaign committees for Measure A (Gold Line bridge over Santa Anita Avenue) and Measure I (improve Arcadia schools). Both Arcadia measures passed with over two-thirds of the vote.

When I joined the City Council in 1996, Arcadia faced substantial budget deficits. As Mayor and City Council Member, I helped change how Arcadia does business. Since then, Arcadia’s accomplishments are remarkable including:

Fiscally conservative budgets and adequate reserves
Contracts with the city’s bargaining units that include real pension reform
First-class police, fire, and paramedic services
New police station, fire station headquarters, historical museum, modernized public library
Expert response and sufficient emergency reserves to handle the recent wind damage
Exceptional senior and youth facilities and programs
Compatible development
Superior water, sewers, roads, parks, landscaping, and other infrastructure
City-wide residential design review
Increased code enforcement
Enhanced city and school district cooperation
Twice named Business Week’s “Best Place to Raise Your Kids” in California

Important challenges face Arcadia. Redevelopment is leaving and a new City Manager is arriving. There are many issues to confront including the budget, state mandates and takeaways, public safety, downtown development, traffic, and future unknown problems. I bring experience, leadership, and common sense to face these challenges.

My vision for Arcadia includes:

Safe, Beautiful Neighborhoods
Strong Police and Fire Departments
Sound Fiscal Policy
Outstanding Schools
Efficient Government
Superior Senior and Youth Programs
Sensible Development
Rigorous Code Enforcement

I will continue to be hardworking, independent, reasonable, and respectful. Thank you for your vote.

Personal life: Since 1976, my “day job” has been an attorney representing property and business owners in eminent domain, land use, and zoning matters. My wife Barb helps senior citizens with daily life issues. Our daughter Kelly teaches inner-city high school students in San Diego and was the 2010 California Teacher of the Year. Our son Casey is an attorney in Portland, Oregon.

Henry Nunez
Age: 53
Occupation: Businessman
I am proud to say that I was raised in Arcadia, attended our great schools and graduated from Arcadia High School in 1976. I grew up with Arcadia’s great traditions, strong sense of community and sense of safety and security. In 1986, I began my real estate career in Arcadia and founded my firm here in 1998.
My priorities are increasing sources of revenue while adhering to strict fiscal policy. Strong police and fire, public safety, education and Arcadias’ outstanding resources are our foundation.
My focus is:
Protecting and supporting our traditions will help to increase involvement and strengthen our sense of community. Revitalizing our business base and mix will provide us an opportunity to support our local businesses and spend here in town. We need to create more public spaces to gather and make our streets pleasurable to walk.

My leadership in community organizations includes:

2007 President of the Arcadia Association of Realtors
2008-09 Chairman of the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership
Support for the Foothill Gold Line

1982 Bachelor of Science, Marketing Major, SW Oklahoma State University
2001 Master in Real Estate Development, University of Southern California

John Wuo

I’ve had the honor and privilege of serving our community for 8 years as a council member, twice as Mayor. I believe we have done a good job in keeping all of our core services in tact, while maintaining a balanced budget, and I want to make sure that the trend continues.

What makes a candidate stand out?

First, I believe that you must understand what our traditions are? What makes Arcadia so great?

I am sure that we can all come up with a long list, but I’m fairly certain that any list would include the following, and I hope you’ll all agree with me.

I believe Arcadia’s traditions are rooted in: FAMILY, COMMUNITY, EDUCATION, VOLUNTEERISM, AND QUALITY OF LIFE.

A good council member needs to understand these values and make sure to focus on these traditions, and never waiver on them.

A good council member should be a good listener. You need to hear people’s voices, their recommendations, as well as their complaints.

When I make a decision, I’ve always based them on 4 principles: 1, Is it good for our city? 2. Will it benefit our residents? 3. Will it bring harmony to our community? 4. Is it cost effective?

This is what I will promise you if I am elected:

I promise to preserve our traditions and continue to improve them. These are our values and I will not waiver on them.

And I promise I will always be a good listener, to understand problems, and try to solve them based on our values and traditions.

In closing, I ask for your support and your vote to elect me to the Arcadia City Council on April 10, 2012.

Thank You.

Mary Dougherty

Here’s why I decided to be a candidate for Arcadia City Council. I have a strong background as a participant in local government. I currently am President of the Santa Anita Oaks Homeowners Association, and co-chaired the Architectural Review Board Chairmen in the development of the recently adopted Joint Resolution covering architectural standards in the five homeowner-association areas. I served four terms (16 years) as a member of the Arcadia Unified School District Board of Education; a 10-year director of the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce; participated in the development of the Arcadia General Plan; and the present co-chair of the Chamber’s Government Affairs Forum. I am resolved to preserving Arcadia’s reputation as a great place to live, work and do business.

It is generally agreed that the homeowners’ associations have done a better job of overseeing housing design standards than the City. I would strive to make those standards applicable to the City as a whole, so that new homes are harmonious and compatible with their existing neighborhoods.

We can’t expect homeowners to bear the full burden of the services that make Arcadia great. Small business development needs to be encouraged and unnecessary regulations and obstacles eliminated. Small businesses are the engine of the economy.

We have some treasured assets in Arcadia. The Santa Anita Racetrack has a huge unused parking lot. We need to explore with the track management ideas that would contribute to the Racetrack’s and the City’s mutual benefit, and that are appropriate for maintaining the lifestyle of the residents. The Arboretum is another prized resource that might provide opportunities for expanded activities. Our schools are highly valued by the community. Continued collaboration needs to be encouraged to enhance development of our future workforce.

My most important attributes are that I listen carefully and ask a lot of questions to assure that best practices are followed. I have no conflicts of interest and will participate fully in Council deliberations and decisions.

I pledge to represent the best interests of our community and the City. I urge you to VOTE for me, Mary Dougherty for Arcadia City Council.

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