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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / 55 Years of Successful Speaking at the Monrovia Toastmasters

55 Years of Successful Speaking at the Monrovia Toastmasters

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The 55th Anniversary of the Monrovia Westwinds Toastmaster Club #2436 is about to be celebrated. (Adults only) There will be fabulous speakers, refreshments, and a special raffle to benefit the Santa Anita Family YMCA (must be present to win). Come see why Westwinds continues to sail forward.
Club 2436, Westwinds Toastmasters, was chartered on April 1, 1957.
Westwinds started in Azusa., and moved around the area as meeting locations became unavailable or unreasonably expensive. In 2006 the then “memberless” club charter got picked up by Nick Zigic while at, and with support of, Century 21 Adams and Barnes in Monrovia. Ms. Maria McHolland, DTM and Mr. Greg Van Citters, DTM, worked tirelessly to get Nick trained and get the club back on track. As membership grew, the officer slate was filled up with inspired members and leaders. In 2011 Westwinds moved to its new location at The Santa Anita Family YMCA in Monrovia, and with strong leadership of Filippo Fanara, President, Jill Briscoe, VP Education, Connie Mustang, VP Membership and Sergeant at Arms, and Nick Zigic VP PR and Treasure, the club is on its way to reach new heights.

Meeting Location: Santa Anita Family YMCA (Program Center), 501 S. Mountain Ave., Monrovia(626) 359-9244
http://2436.toastmastersclubs.org Every 1st & 3rd Monday / 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

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