Southern California Gas Co.(SoCalGas) is alerting customers to be aware of persons who reportedly have recently posed as SoCalGas employees. According to a news account, the imposters distract an unsuspecting customer by performing “gas leak inspections” while an accomplice burglarizes the customer’s home.
SoCalGas wants to assure all customers that all SoCalGas employees carry proper identification when called out to any job. Customers should verify the employee’s proper uniform and identification before letting anyone in the home or on their property.
Customer safety is a top priority for SoCalGas and employees will always be happy to wait while the customer confirms their identity.
Here are some tips to help customers identify SoCalGas employees:
Be vigilant and question anyone who presents themselves as a representative of the utility.
SoCalGas workers who perform in-home appliance services, work on gas meters or work on gas pipelines wear uniforms. However, some other employees do not. Always ask for identification before allowing anyone inside the home or on the property.
The majority of authorized SoCalGas employees will be in uniform with company logo and carry an official employee badge. Most field employees also drive a company vehicle.
Most of the time a SoCalGas employee visits a home or business in response to a service request. If no one scheduled an appointment, call SoCalGas before allowing anyone inside the home or property.
Never leave the house unlocked and unattended. SoCalGas does not ask customers to leave their homes unattended.
To verify the authenticity of anyone claiming to be a representative of SoCalGas, customers are encouraged to ask for proper identification or call the utility at 1-800-427-2200 (or 1-800-342-4545 in Spanish). SoCalGas customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Visit more information on staying safe.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly SoCalGas Warns Customers About Utility Imposters
SoCalGas Warns Customers About Utility Imposters
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