Monday, March 26 thru Friday, March 30 Blood Donor Center – Huntington Hospital Hours Monday – 11:00 am – 6:30 pm 626.397.5796 – Direct Tues, Wed., Thurs – 9:30 am – 4:30 pm 626.676-6881 – Cell
Friday – 7:30 am – 2:30 pm 626.397.5422 – Blood Donor Center American Legion Riders News
Venturing with Crew 561. The post’s very own Venture Crew 561 participated in the 2nd annual ceremony at the Memorial Park in Sierra Madre for the Unknown Scout. This memorial celebrates the founding of the Boy Scouts of America initiated by an American business man, Mr. William D. Boyce in 1910. While in London, England during a heavy fog Mr. Boyce became disorientated and was assisted by an unknown Scout in a chance encounter. Mr. Boyce was so impressed by the unselfish actions and attitude of this young boy that when he returned to America he founded the Boy Scouts of America based upon the English version.
The monument in Sierra Madre’s Memorial Park was dedicated by veterans following WW II to commemorate this London Boy Scouts who served as the inspiration for the founding the Boy Scouts of America.This years celebration was attended by Past Department Auxiliary President Norma DuVall, your post Commander Peter Douglas, Post Adjutant Robert (Eagle) Linker & 1st Vice Ed Barlow. Bugling was provided by Mr. John Holzinger as assistant Crew leader and the three scouts attending were John, Paul and Peter Sedaros of the Post 280 sponsored Venture Crew. Several bugle calls were played adding significantly to the festivities. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out for the Crews’ participation in not only this event but for all their efforts in supporting the post and veterans throughout the year.
Bugling Is Alive,
Ed Barlow
From the Auxiliary President Anita Martin
Hello Legion Family I hope all are well. I attended the Tuskeegee Airmen dedication in Pasadena. The Post office on Colorado was named after Mr. Goodall which passed in 2010. Then I also went to Long Beach there dedicated 7 Buildings one of them is a Blind Center very nice. While I was there I connected with 7 gold Star Mothers. They invited us to be of a part of their event in September. I will post the flyer when we get a little closer to that date. On Monday the 20th we having our Department President visiting Post 280 and have Dinner with all of the elegant District 18. All are welcome. We will have a good time. Please come out and join us. I think that’s all for this time. Stay healthy and happy may God bless you and God bless America. Your Unit President. Anita Martin
Dona Enright
With a target of 100% – we are at 88.7%, close but no bullseye YET. I know we can reach 100% membership – so, if you haven’t paid your 2012 dues please send right away. Your renewal helps your unit participate in the many programs of the Auxiliary. There are so many ways you help; just renewing your membership is a great way. We have a competition with the 18th District Legion on membership and although we were able to pull it off for the 1/2 way mark we sure need to keep going.
You can mail your check payable to: ALA, Unit 280 to 179 N. Vinedo, Pasadena 91107. Dues are $20. March is Community Service Month. Offering a Day of Service to a veteran/service member/family who needs help taking care of the home:
Locate a veteran, service member, or a veteran/military family in need of help taking care of his/her home. A veteran can be located through word of mouth from Post members or by contacting the district veteran service officer and offering your help to a needy veteran. The service officer can offer your contact information to a needy veteran.
After a veteran has been located, contact the veteran to learn of his needs.
Contact The American Legion family and/or community members who may be willing to donate time and talent to help with the veteran’s needs. Match the needs of the veteran with the abilities of your fellow American Legion family members. For instance, can American Legion family members rake leaves, wash windows, paint, plant flowers? Can American Legion family members or a community member help with electrical work, plumbing, home repairs, building ramps, and provide child care for the day?
Arrange a date/time for the day of service.
If work at the home will be taking place throughout the day, arrange to provide lunch to the workers and the veteran/service member/family. This meal can be as simple as a sandwich and salad lunch or take-out pizza.
On the day of the event, post signs and flags outside the work home if the veteran/service member /family is not opposed to the publicity.
After the work day, thank community members, American Legion Family members who helped make the day of service a success.
Every Friday
Canteen Bookstore
We have a “bookshelf” with hundreds of books (mostly novels). These are there for your reading pleasure. Also now on shelves are VCR tapes. Take the books and VCRs home and enjoy. Share with your friends. You don’t even need to bring them back.
Big Band Dancing
Every Thursday night we are treated to the sounds of Ray Atwan and his group. Ray’s group typically
consists of 17-18 musicians and they play mostly swing type music. Everyone is invited to come and listen and dance. These are professionals and well worth hearing.
Movies In The Mornings! For you early birds, we have movies USUALLY on most mornings. (Ray’s specialty… he has quite a collection). Popcorn Anyone!
American Legion East Pasadena, Spacious Hall Available For Rent, Air Conditioned – Reasonable Rates, Commercial Kitchen Facility 150 Seated – 200 Standing, Dance Floor & Stage, Wedding Receptions, Quinceaneras, Banquets, Social Functions, Business Functions 179 N. Vined Pasadena (626) 792-993
Mexican Breakfast, $ 5.00, Sunday, March 18th, 9 a.m. to Noon, Legion Breakfast, Sunday, March 4th, 9 a.m. to Noon, Regular Menu $6.00, Children’s Menu $4.00
Celebrate St Patrick’s Day, Saturday, March 17th, Son’s of The American Legion, Dinner & Music
Meeting Nights, Riders – 1st Sunday of each month @ 8:30 am, SAL – 1st Wednesday of each month @ 6:00 pm, Auxiliary – 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 pm
Legion Executive Board – 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 pm, Legion Membership meeting – 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm, Canteen Hours
Sunday – Thursday 6:00 am – 10:00 pm (or later) Friday – Saturday 6:00 am – 12:00 pm (or later) Hall Rental
For information call (626) 792-9938.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent March News – American Legion East Pasadena, Post 280
March News – American Legion East Pasadena, Post 280
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