Tim Donnelly Charged with 2 Misdemeanors for Attempting to Bring a Loaded Weapon Aboard Airline
Tim Donnelly -Courtesy Photo
While Assemblyman Tim Donnelly has been charged with two misdemeanors for bringing a briefcase containing a loaded .45-caliber gun into Ontario International Airport last month it seems unlikely that he’ll do any jail time.
The 45-year-old Twin Peaks Republican was charged Friday with illegal possession of a loaded firearm and possession of a prohibited item.
The two counts against Donnelly carry maximum jail sentences of one year and six months, respectively, however judges are free to impose lighter sentences . Each also carries a potential $1,000 fine.
According to experts it seems that Donnoly will get a slap on the wrist and a small fine dur to his position in the state assembly.
The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s office announced the filing of charges eight weeks after Donnelly’s Colt Mark IV was located by TSA as he tried board a flight to Sacramento .
Donnelly said he “regrets any inconvenience he caused.”
Donnelly had told various media conflicting reports about being forgetful but also said that he tended to arm himself because of death threats received after he launched a campaign to repeal the Dream Act.
No such death threats were verified.
Donelly’s gun had four rounds in its magazine, and a spare magazine contained five founds,
Donnelly is scheduled to appear March 15 in Rancho Cucamonga Superior Court.