There’s no getting around doing your taxes, but nothing says you have to do them on your own. Help is on the way! Free tax preparation assistance will be available to those who qualify at La Pintoresca Library, 1355 N. Raymond Ave., on Wednesday, Feb. 22, from 2 to 7 p.m.
To qualify for help preparing and filing tax returns, families or individuals must have a maximum household income no greater than $50,000.
Appointments are required, and taxpayers are asked to bring the following records: Photo ID; Social Security card or individual taxpayer ID number for each family member; all earnings statements (W-2s, 1099s, Social Security Income); copy of prior year tax return; bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit; tuition fees and expenses; and child care expenses.
To make an appointment, call (626) 796-6870, ext. 0.