California has changed possession of an ounce or less of marijuana from a misdemeanor to an infraction. Though the fine remains $100, there’s no jail time or notation on your criminal record.
Open Carry will no longer be legal thanks to Anthony Portantino’s AB 144 which was signed earlier this year. With some exceptions, it will be illegal to openly carry an unloaded handgun. Californians will still be able to obtain permits to carry concealed weapons.
Child Prostitution: Increases fines and penalties for those seeking to procure the services of a minor for prostitution.
Alcohol: Prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages at self-service checkout stands.
Bullying: Requires schools to have a uniform process for dealing with bullying complaints. Goes into effect July 1.
Body Art: Tattoo and piercing businesses must obtain permits from local public health agencies, take training in sanitation and blood-borne illnesses and provide other health information as requested. Businesses that employ single-use, sterile studs to pierce ears only are exempted from some of the requirements. This bill goes into effect July 1.
The state will also be releasing severely sick or dying inmates through medical parole.
New road rage laws will also help in the new year.
Papparazzi may be liable for damages under “false imprisonment.”
A Blue Alert on those highway signs telling you an officer is down and the suspect is still on the loose. It’s similar to an Amber Alert for a missing child.
All those baked goods from breads to pastries that are made locally can no longer have artery-clogging trans fats.
Lawmakers went after some Internet users. It’ll be a misdemeanor to impersonate someone on the Internet if the intention is to deceive or injure another person.
For a full list go to the California State website.